Why Have A Personal Trainer Anyway?

July 6, 2014 0 Comments

Benefits of working with a Personal Trainer

Personal trainers are not just for stars or athletes. I truly believe that every single one of us can benefit by working with their own personal trainer.

Have you ever tried to get into the gym and given up within a couple of months?

A personal trainer will help massively to write out an effective plan, work with you to create a whole new daily routine and hold you accountable until you reach your final health and fitness goals.

I believe that personal trainers are a great investment in your own long term health apart from all the other benefits I am about to get into below.

Benefit #1 – Motivation & Accountability – Personal trainers are experts – in their own way at holding you accountable for your own progress. You usually have a set, paid appointment to meet with your trainer where he will be waiting for you. That alone without anything else, helps you get out the door and to the gym if you had thoughts of not going today. If you didn’t have that appointment knowing your trainer was waiting, often, you wouldn’t go. Personal trainers also have the ability to believe in you even when you feel at your lowest and don’t even believe in yourself – CAN’T isn’t in the trainers vocabulary! Trainers also often have the power to make you want to work harder just by standing next to you and not even saying anything.

Benefit #2 – Creating A Routine – Personal trainers are educated on the most effective ways to help you reach your health and fitness goals. They work alongside you and will help create a new realistic routine. No matter what level of fitness you are at, your trainer will help you figure out what fits in with your life and create a routine to maximise your time but not overwhelm you. They will then work with you in your new routine which is your new path leading towards you achieving your new personal goals.

Benefit #3 – Up To Date & Accurate Knowledge – A good trainer, should have sifted through all the information available, worked out what works and what doesn’t and can now teach it to you. There is an overwhelming amount of contradictory health, fitness and diet information available and it is impossible for the average person to sift through, find out what’s valid, accurate and up to date. Your trainer should keep on top of their education, so that you don’t have to, in order to provide you the safest most effective programs.

We trainers truly care about your health, and we will hold you accountable for your own health – but only because we care!

Trainers should be able to assist you in the quickest most effective way using their knowledge, expertise and education and also provide you with handy tips and tricks to help you reach you goals in the fastest way possible. We will also be confident in referring you to another professional if you have a problem out of our knowledge zone that we can’t help you with.

For example – I can usually help correct postures, lower back problems or shoulder problems. If I can’t it is only professional of me to know when to then refer you to another professional who should be able to help you i.e. physiotherapist or chiropractor.

Benefit #4 – Solid, Consistent, Non Judgemental Support – Not many people you meet in life have your best interests in mind and at heart.

Your trainer, though, only cares about you and your success. Your trainer will be there for you whenever you need him/her most. Each hour spent with your trainer is an hour spent on you.

Your trainer will also provide you with consistent feedback to help you become a better you. Most importantly, your trainer will be able to do this without making you feel judged or inadequate. Trainers don’t judge or derogate, they pick out the positives effectively and see all of your successes big or small, even when you can’t see them yourself.

Benefit #5 – Correct Exercise Execution & Form – No need to watch endless YouTube videos on how to do all of the new exercises in your new program which you have never heard of before. Your trainer will coach you step by step through all of them – then – stand by your side providing you with immediate feedback and correction on your form. Your trainer pays attention. To both your mind and body to help you achieve your goals more quickly by making sure you complete every rep of every exercise correctly. You trainer can improve your strength, help correct your posture, help you work your target area’s and help you recruit new muscle fibres by helping you create a new “Mind and Muscle Connection.”

By working with your personal trainer, you also reduce your risk of injury, although, a niggling injury or two throughout your gym days is likely.

Benefit #6 – Time Efficient & Personalised Workouts – There are many ways to workout. Many different classes and methods, but not many of them are designed specifically for you and your goals – especially not as personalised as it would be having your own private trainer work with you and tier it perfect to your health and fitness aims and objectives.

Only have time to workout at a certain time of the day? And only for 30 minutes on a dinner break?

Your personal trainer should have you covered and can provide you with an effective workout which you can complete from start to finish in that period of time, if necessary, and still have you reach your goals.

Benefit #7 – Relationship Building – As a certified advanced personal trainer myself, some of my favourite time during the week is with my clients. You will develop a relationship with your trainer that is like no other. Your relationship is very personal and you tend to know personal details about each other. From the day you hire a personal trainer, you work closely together.

There are not many people in life whom you will share your goals/wants/needs with so specifically who will then in turn work so diligently to help you achieve them. Often that hour or two, or three, you spend with your personal trainer each week is the only time in your week purely stress free and  devoted to you, your goals, your health and your success.

I have had sessions where my client was so angry/stressed and just wants to workout. No talking takes place for that whole session. I have had sessions with clients who have recently lost loved ones and their hour with me is their chance to escape how they are feeling. I have sessions where my client is so excited to see me and share with me their personal successes inside and out of the gym.

Often, quite intimate details of life are shared with me by my clients in sessions – for which I am truly grateful that my clients have held enough trust in me, often from the day we meet, to tell me these details of their personal life. It is a big thing. But at the end of the day, it is also these in depth conversations and details of who you are that helps your trainer work specifically with you and to help you move forward and reach your goals.

We are nearing the end of this post for today. I’m sure you’ll agree the reoccurring  point throughout this message is the fact that, when working with your personal trainer you are held accountable and you get results – guaranteed!

Benefit #8 – RESULTS – Working with a trainer will allow you to achieve results that you could never achieve on your own.

Each person’s goals are extremely personal – whether it be weight loss, to tone up, reduce a target area you hate, improve your health, overcome a certain illness or injury or just a bit of everything… Your trainer will work with you to help you recognise your progress and it is these results which your trainer genuinely wants to help you achieve. Personal trainers are only working in this industry because they have passion to NEED to help people achieve the body’s that they so really want – sure there are some poor, dumb, none educated trainers but for the most part every trainer CAN help you and WANTS to help you get results and they feel a great sense of reward when their clients are happy with the results they have helped them achieve.

All that is required when you are considering hiring a personal trainer – is for you to accept results do not come easy, they do not come fast and overnight. You are required to work long term and work hard, be committed and be honest.

As always, I only write these things in the hope it will be of some benefit to somebody – if it was, I’d love to hear it in the comments sections, if it was a massive waste of your last 10 minute’s let me know that too. I have a feeling some of my own personal training clients might be reading this… if you are I appreciate you taking the time to do so, and I hope I have provided for you some of the benefits of working with a personal trainer which I have just mentioned above in the post.

If you aren’t already one of my Personal Training clients AND – after reading this, and you are thinking YES, maybe I would like to find out more about working with a personal trainer then I’d like to offer you the opportunity of a FREE telephone consultation with me. Just a quick phone call with me basically to discuss what it is you’re looking to achieve and if I’d be able to help.

To get your FREE telephone consultation – just click here

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