Another step towards a new educational venture.

To get DR before my name.

But not just to be a doctor of allopathic general medicine… (MD) Doctor of Medicine❌

Everything I’ve tried to teach and coach has always been based on holism. However, the last 2 to 3 years I’ve taken an even deeper and more thorough interest in holism and holistic medicine.

My next step is….. I want to be a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine. (DO)

Aside from conventional and allopathic medicine (which is amazing especially in life threatening, urgent, emergency, last resort treatment)…. but where day to day issues are involved – I largely disagree with allopathic intervention.

The “problem to pill solution” so to speak.

Over the last 15 years I’ve personally witnessed people completely transform their health/life with nutrition, exercise and natural remedies alone – addressing issues at the route cause.

Hypokinetic illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, depression, lower back pain/sciatica, some cancers, metabolic syndrome, endocrinology based hormonal issues, irritated bowel.

I’ve watched people reverse high blood pressure within weeks – without medication.

I’ve watched people put their type 2 diabetes into remission. That means their bloods no longer read as in “diabetic range”.

I’ve watched people undo MANY health related problems associated with an unhealthy, sedentary and inactive lifestyle.

The body is a clever self healing machine🤷‍♂️

You just gotta’ be willing to make necessary changes to address problems at the route cause.

Not mask and cover.

Illness should often be a wake up call that forces us to get down and dirty on what’s TRUE in our lives.

We can either play victim to it – or use illness as an opportunity.

An opportunity to awaken.

An opportunity to address external issues, environmental factors, pathogens, toxins.

To get serious on letting go of things which no longer serve a purpose too us. To process emotions effectively.

To focus on good quality sleep, relaxation, positive mind-set, having a purpose, spiritual growth.

The human body is beautifully equipped with natural self healing, self repair mechanisms.

Your human body will constantly work to protect you, regenerate you, heal you – based on biochemical reactions that happen automatically.

… You just gotta’ provide it and feed it what it needs…

… and stop feeding it the shite it doesn’t want/need.

I’ve witnessed it daily for over 15 years🤷‍♂️

I believe the gym, nutrition and good health coaches are the middle man between YOU and future hospital visits.

So working towards acquiring DR before my name – is not a career change where I move out of the gym and into a clinic🤣

If I had some of you worried with my clickbait article title🤭😁

It’s a step which I believe will enable me to serve my clients and customers more than I already do.

A step towards understanding the human body even more than I already do from studying endocrinology and human kinesiology.

With the sole purpose of helping you retake and regain your health at the same time as building your body, losing body fat, building lean muscle and strength and shape, improving your mental health, confidence and self esteem….

And in turn – building the skills like grit, grittiness, fortitude, mettle, the ability to endure, mental toughness, resilience….

Which all comes together to impact other areas of your life….

Your career, your relationships, your sex life, your income….

Which ULTIMATELY – all comes together to help us achieve what all humans are truly searching for…

True and complete happiness.

That’s not something you get.

That’s not something you can buy.

That’s not from a shiny new object or holiday.

That’s not from drugs alcohol or medication.

It’s something that’s within you.

Something you already have. It’s already inside everyone.

You just gotta’ know how to find it within.

I try to help you understand the process and journey to discover it.

And then…. create you the action plan to help you make all of that become reality.

… And while I already do that – I want to do more. I want to help people more.

I believe working towards becoming a DR of osteopathic and holistic medicine will help me do that – not from a clinic, but by adding to my knowledge so I can provide it to you in the same gym environment😊

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