The perfection of society which is portrayed on social media has got people feeling like shit!

It’s got many people thinking that they aren’t good enough.

Social media has got people looking up to people thinking that they’ve got it all figured out – purely because of what they post on social media.

That has got a lot of people feeling straight up depressed.

Let me tell you, people that post on social media and appear to be crushing it in all areas of life – they aren’t.

They’re maybe crushing it in one or two areas of life but there’s a good chance other areas are struggling because of it.

You only see what is on social media.

You don’t see the other stuff. The suffering. The hardships. The areas they are struggling with.

But just because you don’t see it – doesn’t mean it isn’t happening!

But, yeah, it’s got people feeling like shit.

Feeling like they aren’t good enough.

Judging their self.

Getting upset.

Sitting alone.

Staring into space feeling negative about their life.

Having very dark thoughts.

Even as far is thinking they aren’t sure if they wanna’ be in this world any more.

Obviously, there are other causes for those feelings – but I’m specifically posting about the social media impact.

Just for the record, I’ve been too all those places. Not because of social media perception, but I’ve been there.

There was a time, a few years ago, where every day I woke up was a struggle.

I’m not going into details, but I’ve been to some very dark places.

I still struggle some days.

Everyone does.

But let me tell you – very FEW things in life can’t be figured out!

You are not alone.

Speak out and ask for help.

You aren’t weak or a pussy!

Real depression is not weak.

Fuck, if anyone I know is in that place – I’d sooner rather listen to you and hear your problems and offer support in any way I can, than hear that you decided you didn’t wanna’ be in this world any more.

For me personally – I have to have targets and plans in both family and work life. I have to have projects and I have to always have something to focus on.

I also get a deep sense of satisfaction from my work as a PT helping others feel better about them-selves

Then – there’s the iron. Which for me – the endorphins and the pump is like therapy!

I know this is a deeply sensitive area – but if this post offers comfort to one person… To know there’s help available, I offer my ear in private, you aren’t alone, you aren’t weak for asking and that very few things in life can’t be figured out………. Then I’m happy!

All it takes is – “Si, have you got a minute for a chat!” Either in person or on the phone.

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