Just my opinion, of course, after over 17yrs in the field……

1) Follow a ‘clean eating’ macro calculated diet’ with your goals and physical improvement in mind. Zero cheat days. Absolutely zero alcohol. (Eat organic and locally grown produce free from chemicals, hormones, pesticides, additives, chemical fertilisers)

2) Follow a resistance training program 4x per week with your goals and physical improvement in mind.

3) Do cardio 4x per week. Walk. Gym. Home workout. Garden workout. Garage working. Outdoor jog, run, hill sprints. ANYTHING. 45 mins 4x per week. MUST be a minimum of 4hrs apart from any resistance workout.

4) Hydrate. Properly. With the required amount of water for your height, weight age and activity level. Not as simple as ‘just drink water’. There’s more to hydration than ‘just drinking water’.

5) Voluntary cold water therapy daily. Splash face, head, neck with cold water for 5 minutes. 5 minute cold shower. 5 minute cold bath. Use common sense.

6) Take a regular progress pic. Every 2 or 3 days. Minimum of 2x per week. Consistent lighting, day, time.

7) Check and track weight and body measurements weekly. Consistent day, time.

8 ) Sun gaze. AM and PM. Research it. Use common sense. P.S – it doesn’t mean stare at the sun or hurt your eyes BTW. Sun gazing is a protocol with many health benefits when done correctly.

9) Bare foot grounding, every morning for 10-15minutes.

10) Only high quality caffeine. No instant or processed coffee or tea. Not upon awakening. Wait 30-45 minutes after waking before consuming caffeine.

11) Stick to a regular sleep pattern 7 DAYS PER WEEK. Circadian rhythm is SUPER important for health, hormone & energy.

12) Supplement around your dietary needs.

13) Use essential oils.

14) Improve your mental toughness.

15) Read 10 pages of a non fiction book, every day, with your own improvement in mind. On topics to help your career, improve your mindset, become more spiritual, become better at any hobbies or interests you have. No audio books. No devices. Physical books or printed paper ONLY.

16) Meditate.

17) Spend time every-single-day reminding yourself of your goals – and why it is you want to achieve them. Set out prompts and reminders so that you always remember throughout the day.

18) Optimize sleep. No devices AT ALL within 2 hours of going to bed. No wifi signals in the bedroom. Make the bedroom DARK. Place phone into flight mode or leave outside the bedroom if you need to contactable.

Finally, in recent time – on top of those things, I believe an extra effort to do things and consume foods than improve immunity and reduce toxicity and heavy metals in the body is even more important now than it ever used to be.

IT TAKES TIME – to gradually shift your life to build all of these things into your daily routine.

It can also be hard and confusing.

If you need help, support, structure, guidance and accountability – that’s what I’m here for.

I can help another 50-100 people in the gym.

I do have ‘some’ availability for 1-1’s too – if you want my help, support and guidance to help you make progress.

But with my gym, and my online platform – I can provide you support, guidance and plans for you to follow.

You will neet me halfway or else I can’t help.

You’ve gotta’ be ready to make the change. It’s not easy.

If it was – everybody would be ripped, lean, healthy, toned and physically & mentally strong…. And all you need to do is look around the next time you’re in the supermarket – to realise……. they aren’t.

Call. Or come to the gym when you’re ready. Find me. I’m always here.

Tell me you’ve read my post and you’re ready to begin!

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